Monday, May 14, 2007

hey. now, am having law lecture. so it's also time to use laptop and surf ard.

OUCH~! my stomach hurts!! i need the culprit is the yang tou fu i had just now!

today dance lesson was cancelled. cos woods cant make it and chang was SICK! hahas. so we postpone to next week =] anyway, i got mun to acc me to sim lim square. i need wired mouse for my laptop! the wireless mouse that acer gave for FREE is just as useless. they mind as well don give. lols. thanks WENDY sweety! another sweety shimin is considering whether she shld join us.

OUCH! it's coming again!

alright. gotta go alr=]
my law lecturer is gg to roar at us! hehes.

someday, somehow, i believe!
may he be blessed=]


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